LEED<sup>®</sup> Certification
LEED® Certification
Formica® Brand products support conservation and green building practices and may contribute toward achieving LEED building certification.
LEED Green Building Rating System
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) created the LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System, which quantifies the measures taken toward constructing a greener building through sustainable design. The LEED Rating System takes into consideration practices relevant to the natural environment such as the use of sustainable resources, conservation of non-sustainable resources and reduction of pollutants. The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has created LEED Canada, an adaptation of the LEED Rating System used in the United States tailored to Canadian climates, construction practices and regulations. While the prerequisites and intent are aligned, consult regional LEED documentation for specific requirements
LEED v4 Credit Contribution
Formica® Laminate and Everform® Solid Surface are applied as a decorative surface to countertops, cabinets, furniture and fixtures and partitions, among other applications. As a component material, they may contribute toward LEED credits for building certification in the following categories:
Materials and Resources
To download any of the following documents, please visit www.FormicaDocs.info
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental product declarations
Option 1 – environmental product declaration
- Formica Corporation HPL EPD
- Formica Corporation Compact EPD
- Formica Corporation Everform® Solid Surface EPD
- Formica Corporation HardStop® Decorative Protection Panels EPD
- Formica Corporation ColorCore®2 Laminate EPD
Building product disclosure and optimization-Sourcing of Raw Materials
Option 2 – Leadership extraction practices
- Wood Products: Formica® Laminate contains FSC Certified Wood and can be incorporated into the manufacture of FSC certified assembled products, such as furniture and furnishings. Formica Corporation holds an FSC Chain of Custody Certificate.
- Recycled Content: Formica® Laminate and Formica® Renew Series Solid Surface contain recycled content.
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Material Ingredients
Option 1 – Material Ingredient Reporting
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) Backing Sheets
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) ColorCore®2 Laminate
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) Compact
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) DecoMetal® Laminates
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) HardStop® Decorative Protection Panels
- Health Product Declaration (HPD) HPL
Indoor Environmental Quality
To download any of the following documents, please visit www.FormicaDocs.info
Low-emitting Materials
General emissions evaluation
GREENGUARD low chemical emissions testing – Formica Corporation exceeds the industry’s highest standards for Indoor Air Quality, with GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold for laminate and solid surfacing.
- GREENGUARD Gold Certification Everform® Solid Surface
- GREENGUARD Gold Certification HPL
- GREENGUARD Gold Certification HardStop® Decorative Protection Panels
- GREENGUARD Gold Certification DecoMetal® Laminate
- GREENGUARD Gold Certification Markerboard
Interior Lighting
- Option 2 – Lighting Quality
- Subpart F– Worksurface Reflectance
To download our Formica® Brand LRV Reference Document, which details which patterns meet or exceed the average surface reflectance of 45%, please visit www.FormicaDocs.info
LEED® specification sheets
To download any of the LEED® specification sheets listed below, please visit www.FormicaDocs.info
- LEED Specifications Sheet— Everform® Solid Surface (Renew Series)
- LEED Specifications Sheet— Compact
- LEED Specifications Sheet— Grades 10, 12 & 20
- LEED Specifications Sheet— DecoMetal®
- LEED Specifications Sheet— ColorCore®2
- LEED Specifications Sheet— Access Flooring

Formica® Documents
Access up-to-date technical documentation, certifications and guides for all Formica® Brand products on our central hub.
Looking for our sustainability certifications and documentation (EPDs, HPDs, GREENGUARD, FSC, LEED, Declare, etc.)? They're there too.
More on Sustainability
At Formica Group, we continually strive to create innovative products that promote a healthier environment to support sustainable design.